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Express.RiskInInteractionr1.1 - 01 Sep 2024 - 19:49 - GregorioIvanoff

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[2 September 2024, publication on the personal timelines of Gregorio Bittar Ivanoff (LinkedIn and Facebook), in the groups Models in business (LinkedIn and Facebook) and in the LinkedIn groups Project management, Balanced scorecard, Business in promotion]

Good morning!

About the Models in business initiative and groups.

In August 2024, I worked on the issue of regulating asymmetric information. Reducing information asymmetries decreases transaction costs and uncertainties, and promotes an environment of greater confidence for investments, with new entrants and greater competition.

Equally important is the issue of misinformation. Information asymmetries and misinformation can receive priority attention in our activities.

As a concrete result of work in August 2024, I believe that we can move forward in composing a "catalog" of commercial offers proposed by the groups participants. Classifying commercial offers according to consensus standards can be an intermediate step towards certification and even recommendation of commercial offers. The project management area probably benefits from this "classification". PMI or OPM3, for example, are "objects" disseminated due to the existence of "classification".

The theme for September 2024 is: models indicators.

Learn more about the Models in business initiative and groups at

Thank you for your participation and interaction in the Models in business groups (LinkedIn and Facebook).

Português: risco em interação

-- GregorioIvanoff - 01 Sep 2024
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