[3 June 2024, publication on the personal timelines of Gregorio Bittar Ivanoff (LinkedIn and Facebook), in the groups Models in business (LinkedIn and Facebook) and in the LinkedIn groups Project management, Balanced scorecard, Business in promotion]

Good morning!

Throughout the month of May 2024, with the aim of working on the development of the governance topic, I prioritized the registration of 'general procedures for reviewing the adequacy of models'.

Risk management is another of the main topics that I am adopting for preparing social reports of initiatives and activities.

The adoption of risk preparedness measures may involve human capital, assets, social and state support.

Throughout the month of June 2024 I will be accepting, for analysis and possible implementation, suggestions of other aspects considered socially to indicate risk preparedness.

Thank you for your participation and interaction in the Models in Business groups (LinkedIn and Facebook).


Português: valor em informação

-- GregorioIvanoff - 02 Jun 2024

Revision: r1.2 - 03 Jun 2024 - 03:54 - GregorioIvanoff
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