Keywords: objective problem solving situations independent of individual cognition or social acceptance, subjective experience of doing mathematics,
underlying politics of power, political aspect of mathematics, opposing political camps, varying cultural backgrounds,
multi-lingual environments,
subjectivity in mathematics,
understanding in mathematics,
mathematics in business,
enactment in mathematics,
philosophy of mathematics, activity of mathematics, availability of jobs,
immanent contradiction,
unregulated commons,
gendered identities,
mathematical systems,
mathematics meaning,
management consulting, mathematical anxiety,
language development,
political power, subjective experience, political rights, wing politics, cultural bias, multicultural references, false starts, untested hypotheses, practical applications, misunderstandings, ethnomathematics,
Lera Boroditsky,
Stanford University
diferenças em cognição
Rothstein, Edward. The Subjective Underbelly Of Hardheaded Math, December 20, 1997. Available from < >. access on 12 ago. 2016.
Rowlands, Stuart; Graham, Ted. The Nature of Mathematics and the State of Mathematics Education. Plymouth University. [Parents and Teachers may enjoy reading some of these comments published in the English journal of math teaching philosophy Cheods . Behind the heavy philosophy is the question of whether math can and should be taught in the old-fashioned sense of established fact vs. whether the underlying politics of power should take first place]. Available from < >. access on 12 August 2016.
Shamoon, Stephanie. "Understanding the Role of Mathematical Anxiety, Disaffect and Emotion in Learning and Teaching the Subject of Mathematics." (2014).
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GregorioIvanoff - 12 Aug 2016
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