Economic Openness and Green GDP
John Talberth, Alok K. Bohara
Since the early 1990s there have been several attempts to develop national income accounting systems which recognize the negative impacts of environmental degradation and income inequalities on economic welfare. Collectively, these “green” gross domestic product (GDP) studies have generated a wealth of new time series data sets which can be used to reexamine the links between GDP and a host of factors commonly included in traditional economic growth models. In this paper, we develop models of green GDP growth and the gap between traditional and green GDP by using a panel data set from eight countries spanning 30 to 50 years. In both the growth and gap models, the effects of economic openness are tested. We find strong and robust results suggesting a negative nonlinear correlation between openness and green GDP growth and a positive nonlinear correlation between openness and growth of the gap between traditional and green GDP. While green GDP accounting systems are still in their infancy, our paper nonetheless implies that once these more comprehensive measures are fully developed, empirical models which explore factors contributing to the growth of economic welfare over time should be reexamined.
accessibility issue,
global challenge,
global cooperation,
Outcomes: GDP per capita
Global challenge /
Desafio global:
Efficiency in Connectivity /
Eficiência em conectividade. 17 - 28 July / jul. 2017. Remodelling Global Cooperation:
Claims in practice 2017 / Remodelando a Cooperação Global:
Reivindicações em prática 2017. Forming a coalition of people to develop a competition entry. / Formando uma coalizão de pessoas para desenvolver uma entrada de competição.
Gross Domestic Product. Available from < >. access on 21 August 2017.
Gross domestic product. Available from < >. access on 22 December 2016.
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GregorioIvanoff - 22 Dec 2016
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